Giovanni Lordi

Giovanni Lordi is an experienced hypnotherapist, co-owner of Resonanz Recordings, and author of the Mind Journeys series of hypnosis MP3s. Giovanni has helped many people since 2003 when he first started practicing clinical hypnotherapy. He offers personal hypnotherapy sessions in Brisbane, as well as by special appointment throughout all other major Australian cities. Giovanni has a unique style of helping people, where he primarily uses clinical hypnosis, but also integrates his experience with other forms of healing modalities. His official qualifications include:
- Certificate of Hypnosis (The Australian Academy of Hypnosis)
- Certificate of Advanced Hypnosis (The Australian Academy of Hypnosis)
- Certificate of Advanced Mind Dynamics (Special hypnosis for physical conditions taught by Rick Collingwood)
- Magnetista Emeritus (Mesmerism with Dr Marco Paret)
- Certificate of NLP (NLP International)
- Kinergetics Levels 1 & 2 (Kinergetics National Association)
- Thought Field Therapy (Thought Field Therapy Training Center)
- Life Mastery & Wealth Mastery (Robbins Research International)
Giovanni’s passion has always been to help people. He has worked personally with many people including Rugby League stars, world champion fighters and lots of everyday people wanting to change their life for the better. As an author and hypnotist, Giovanni relies heavily on life experience, extensive knowledge and above all else, common sense.